Juried by Hunter Drohojowska-Philp
In art, shape is both elusive and omnipresent. It structures our optical world but is often forgotten. Focus on it is often neglected in favor of color, concept, tactility, and subject. This show aims to bring shape to the forefront, to highlight its presence and dynamic interaction with subject matter and other formal considerations.
Exhibiting Artists
Rita Bard, Amy Bassin, J Bloom, Dustyn Bork, Ryan J. Brady, Helena Chastel, Mike Childs, Yvette Cohen, Katya Derksen, Eric Dever, Karl Goulet, M. Benjamin Herndon, Aleya Hoerlein, Katherine Hunt, Ruin Kenzie, Stacey Lawrence, Niraja Lorenz, Kathy Lucoff Godin, Sienna Martz, Edward Mills, Shamira Nicolas, Diane Novetsky, Steve Novick, Joseph Ostraff, Ethel Poindexter, Brigitte Radecki, Steven Rahbany, Mel Reese, Annie Sailer, Jennifer Small, Frederick Smith, Gerri Spilka, Nicholas Wood