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AXIS Exhibition at Brentwood Arts Exchange

  • Brentwood Arts Exchange 3901 Rhode Island Ave Brentwood, MD, 20722 United States (map)

VCCA Fellows Launch AXIS Exhibition at Brentwood Arts Exchange • September 2, 2014 – October 18, 2014

Washington, DC, September 2, 2014 – Brentwood Arts Exchange announces an exclusive exhibition of Fellows from The Virginia Center for the Creative Arts titled AXIS, curated by Director Phil Davis.  After a two-year period of collaboration, the following thirteen national and international artists included are:

Jo Ann Biagini (CA) • Julia Bloom (DC) • Blinn Jacobs (CT) • Caroline Burton (NY)Alonzo Davis (MD) • de’ Angelo Dia (NC) • Rebecca Morgan Frank (MS) • David R. Lincoln (NY) Joan Michelson (UK) • Indrani Nayar-Gall (NC) • Judith Pratt (VA) • Jessica Deane Rosner (RI) •Aaron Stepp) (KY)

AXIS explores visual, digital, sound, and literary arts all under the aegis of contemporary art practices, offering a way to investigate current formal, political, social, and technological changes in worldwide culture.  As a result, possibilities for changing, realigning, and connecting multiple media sources to foster new concepts and creative alliances are revealed. 

Derived from Greek, Latin, and Sanskrit, the term “axis” refers to a conceptual pivot point around which other sources of energy and structure gravitate and interconnect.  The work of the artists in the AXIS exhibition illustrates how the concept of axis can be fixed, dynamic, directional, or changeable, all becoming valid interpretations.  As a multimedia theme explored by thirteen VCCA Fellows in the Brentwood Arts Exchange exhibition, Axis speaks to the current and ongoing shifts in artistic, technological, and cultural practices, suggesting that axes do not have to cause divisions between traditions or practices, but in fact can coexist and enhance them.

For additional information, go to: and click on “Exhibitions.”